
Tiger Activities/Sports Today:

Student Council meets during Morning AP. 

Please wait for dismissal announcement.

Tiger & Lady Tiger Basketball @ Indy, 4:30 p.m.

Boys State Wrestling @ Salina, all day

FFA @ Western Farm Show

Tiger Activities/Sports Tomorrow:

Tiger Forensics is hosting its annual tournament.

Boys State Wrestling @ Salina, all day

Please let your first hour teacher know if you’re eating at school today.

Breakfast today:  biscuit & gravy, applesauce/fresh fruit, juice, milk

Lunch today:  grilled chicken sandwich, tri tater, sweet peas, pineapple tidbits, milk AND salad bar

FFA Blood Drive @ FSHS is THIS Monday!

8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.

Must be 16 or provide parental permission.  

See Ms. Cullison.

Here’s the donor link (copy and paste in your browser):

Tiger Boys Tennis could use a few more players!  

Practice starts Monday after school.  

Practices will start at 3:45 Monday & Tuesday and Wednesday’s practice will start at 2:30 p.m.

Come by practice and talk to Coach Barr if you are interested!

Rylee Joles!

Tomorrow:  Coach Jay Mar! Kylee Comstock!

Sunday:  Mrs. Miller!  

Jaden Loercher!  Keira Phillips!  Berkley Wood!

Connor Karleskint!

The Smoothie Bar is open from 7 a.m. until 7:30 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays.  Come and get your drink fix!

The state-paid ACT date is THIS TUESDAY!  ALL Juniors will take the ACT in the aux gym that morning.  Please plan accordingly and bring #2 pencils and your calculator.  If you have any questions, stop in or email Mr. Messer in the Counseling office.  If you do NOT plan to take the test, you need to stop in and see Mr. Messer TODAY!  This is a free test.  If you take it any other time, it will cost $60.

Wednesday, March 1st, is the date for a group visit (Seniors and Juniors) to Pitt State!  If you’re a Senior interested in attending and have yet to go on a visit or a Junior who just wants to check it out, sign up with counselors Mr. Messer or Mrs. Martin.  

Act fast because there are limited spots available.

  1.  Cheer tryouts are March 20th & 21st, 3:45 p.m. until 6 p.m. in the Aux Gym.

  2.  Dance tryouts are March 22nd & 23rd, 3:45 p.m. until 6 p.m. in the Aux Gym.

THIS MONDAY AFTERNOON!:  meeting for 9th-11th graders interested in trying out for cheer OR dance, right after school in the FSHS Commons

THURSDAY, March 2nd:  meeting for Parents/Guardians of 8th-11th graders interested in trying out for cheer OR dance, 5:30pm in the FSHS Commons

Seniors!  FSHS Graduation is Saturday, May 13, 2023.


Cap and Gown Unit

Custom Stole and Tassel  (Use this link if you are not ordering a cap and gown and plan to wear a cap and gown from a previous graduate.)


Fridays, March 3rd & 10th:  NO SCHOOL!

Week of March 13th - 17th:  SPRING BREAK!

Saturday, May 6th:  FSHS Prom 

(walk-in @ 6:30 p.m., Prom 8 - 11 p.m., River Room)

Saturday, May 13th:  Baccalaureate @ 4 p.m., FSHS Main Gym 

Class of 2023 Commencement, 8 p.m., Frary Field

Upcoming Visitors:                                                                                

Washburn University Rep Visit:  

Tuesday, March 7th, during 5th hour at both first and second lunches 

USMC Rep Visit:  

Wednesday, March 8th, during 5th hour at both first and second lunches