frog in rain

Tiger Activities/Sports Today:

Morning AP:  Student Council Meeting in the auditorium.  

Please wait for the announcement to dismiss. 

FSHS Cheerleading Tryouts:  3:45 until ???

Tiger Esports:  Halo, 4 p.m.

Lady Tiger Swimming @ Turner, 4 p.m.

This year’s FSHS Talent Show is Friday.  

Mandatory dress rehearsal is 3:30 tomorrow afternoon.

The FSHS Miss(ter) Pageant will be held during Talent Show judging. 

Please let your first hour teacher know if you’re eating at school today.

Breakfast todaybreakfast burrito, applesauce cup OR fresh fruit, juice, milk

Lunch todayMr. Ribb, baked beans, scalloped potatoes, apple, cookie, milk, salad bar 

FSHS Thespian Troupe #7365 is now accepting donations for the annual Fundraiser Rummage Sale to be held April 7th & 8th on the FSHS Stage. You can bring donations to Ms. Bin at the high school.  Pickup is also available.  Please reach out to Ms. Bin.

The list of students invited to the Honors Reception that will be held Thursday, April 20, is posted outside Mrs. DeLaTorre’s (Counseling Department) office.  To make this list, students' GPA had to be at least 3.5 for both 1st semester and 3rd quarter of this school year, NOT an average of the two.  If you have questions about the list, please see Mrs. DeLaTorre.

Madalyn Ballou!  Jaedyn Lewis!


Friday, May 5th:  last day of classes for Seniors!

Saturday, May 6th:  FSHS Prom 

(walk-in @ 6:30 p.m., Prom 8 - 11 p.m., River Room)

Saturday, May 13th:  Baccalaureate @ 4 p.m., FSHS Main Gym 

Class of 2023 Commencement, 8 p.m., Frary Field

Cap and Gown Unit

Custom Stole and Tassel  (Use this link if you are not ordering a cap and gown and plan to wear a cap and gown from a previous graduate.)