Snoopy Thursday!

Tiger Activities/Sports Today:

Special Olympics is from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. today at the FSHS Track.

FSHS Varsity Choir will be singing “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

SkillsUSA will meet during Morning AP.  

PLEASE wait for the announcement to dismiss!

Members of Improvised Duet Acting for Forensics will meet after school in Mr. Bergmann’s room after school, room #105.

FSHS Dance Tryouts:  3:30 p.m., FSHS Auxiliary Gym

Tiger Baseball opens its season at Blue Valley SW, first pitch at 4 p.m.

This year’s FSHS Talent Show is tomorrow night!  

The FSHS Miss(ter) Pageant will be held during Talent Show judging. 

Attention, Class of 2024!  You need to have either sold candy or paid your fees to attend Prom on May 6th.  See Ms. Lewis if you have questions.  Also, Juniors are helping class parents/guardians sponsor a middle school dance on April 1st (no fooling!).  Needed:  donations of 12 packs of pop and/or 12 snack items by next Thursday, March 30th.  Leave donations with Ms. Lewis, room 120, or with Mr. Messer in the counseling department. 

Please let your first hour teacher know if you’re eating at school today.

Breakfast todaymuffin, colby-jack cheese stick, applesauce cup OR fresh fruit, juice, milk

Lunch todaysweet & sour chicken, rice, red pepper strips, steamed broccoli with cheese sauce, mandarin oranges, milk, salad bar 

FSHS Thespian Troupe #7365 is now accepting donations for the annual Fundraiser Rummage Sale to be held April 7th & 8th on the FSHS Stage. You can bring donations to Ms. Bin at the high school.  Pickup is also available.  Please reach out to Ms. Bin.

StuCo members who missed Tuesday’s meeting:  potential officer slates for next year’s Seniors, Juniors and Sophomores was discussed.  Stop by Ms. Lewis’s room and pick up an application if interested.

Key Clubbers!  Members are needed to help stuff Easter eggs next Thursday evening, March 30th, at 6 p.m. at the Carriage House (corner of 3rd and Main).  

Help is also needed with the Easter egg hunt Saturday morning, April 1st, from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. at Gunn Park. Google forms to volunteer for one or both of these events have been emailed to you and are also posted on Google classroom.

The list of students invited to the Honors Reception that will be held Thursday, April 20, is posted outside Mrs. DeLaTorre’s (Counseling Department) office.  To make this list, students' GPA had to be at least 3.5 for both 1st semester and 3rd quarter of this school year, NOT an average of the two.  If you have questions about the list, please see Mrs. DeLaTorre.

Laeci Hall!  Kiara Thompson!

March is Music in Our Schools month. Varsity Choir is celebrating with a spirit week! A prize will be offered for the best dress up for each day! 

Email your submission to

Monday: Celebrate blues music by decking out in BLUE clothes.

Tuesday: Rock out with crazy hair. 

Wednesday: Dress in the style of your favorite decade of music. 

(For example, 70’s style clothing if you love the 70’s.)

Thursday: Music is universal! 

Dress as your favorite Universal Studios character. 

Friday: Music ties us all together, so wear your favorite tie-dye!


Friday, May 5th:  last day of classes for Seniors!

Saturday, May 6th:  FSHS Prom 

(walk-in @ 6:30 p.m., Prom 8 - 11 p.m., River Room)

Saturday, May 13th:  Baccalaureate @ 4 p.m., FSHS Main Gym 

Class of 2023 Commencement, 8 p.m., Frary Field



Links for caps & gowns:  

Cap and Gown Unit

Custom Stole and Tassel  (Use this link if you are not ordering a cap and gown and plan to wear a cap and gown from a previous graduate.