Tiger Thursday

Tiger Sports Today:

Lady Tiger Varsity Volleyball Jamboree!

5 p.m. @ Pittsburg High School

Attention, StuCo!

Student Council will hold its first meeting of the year on Wednesday, August 30th during Morning Tiger Time.  Current members and new members need to be in attendance. If you can't make the meeting you need to see Ms. Lewis in room 120 or Jersee Wood.

Auditions for the musical Guys and Dolls are THIS Monday and Tuesday!!!

These auditions will be held in the auditorium from 6:30 in the evening until 9 o’clock at night.  

Please plan to attend ONE of the two nights for the entire time.

Dancers are also needed and applications are being accepted to be a part of the technical crew.

Rehearsals will be held Mondays through Thursdays and are from 6:30 p.m. until 9 p.m. each night.

Show dates are November 7th, 9th and 11th.

See Mrs. Chesney or Ms. Bin for an audition packet. 

Let your first hour teacher know if you’re eating at school today!

Breakfast today:  pancakes and egg patty OR cereal & graham snack, applesauce cup OR fresh fruit, juice, milk    

Lunch todayCHOOSE ONEpepperoni OR fiestada pizza OR hamburger, corn, refried beans, fresh broccoli, whole fruit icee, salad bar, milk   

Each student gets one free breakfast and one free lunch.  

Extra meals:  $2.65 for an additional breakfast, $4.70 for an additional lunch

Are you a student on a Health/Biology/Biomedical career path or interested in a career in the medical field?  There’s still time to join HOSA:  Health Organization Students of America!   There’s still time to join!  HOSA is a prestigious organization that will help you gain experience and valuable insights in your healthcare specific career.   Make history by being a member of the first HOSA Chapter at FSHS!  Please visit with Mrs. Heatherly, room 303, to join.

Deadline to join is TOMORROW.


Kynlee Hampton!

Check out the new closed-circuit televisions in FSHS hallways and Commons area to keep updated with everything Fort Scott High School!