Tiger Sports/Activities Today:
In the Fort!
3 p.m.: JV Lady Tiger Tennis Invitational!
3 p.m.: JV Lady Tiger Golf @ Woodland Hills (hosted by Uniontown HS)
Auditions are being held in the auditorium from 6:30 in the evening until nine o’clock each night for the Fall Musical: “Guys and Dolls.”
Dancers are also needed and applications are being accepted for positions on the technical crew. Please plan to attend ONE of the two nights for the entire time.
Rehearsals will be held Mondays through Thursdays and are from 6:30 p.m. until 9 p.m. each night. Show dates are November 7th, 9th and 11th.
See Mrs. Chesney or Ms. Bin for an audition packet.
Let your first hour teacher know if you’re eating at school today!
Breakfast today: muffin & string cheese OR cereal & graham snack, applesauce cup OR fresh fruit, juice, milk
Lunch today: CHOOSE ONE: chicken strips & wheat roll OR pepperoni pizza OR hamburger, mashed potatoes & gravy, green beans, oranges wedges, milk, salad bar
Each student gets one free breakfast and one free lunch.
Extra meals: $2.65 for an additional breakfast, $4.70 for an additional lunch
Welcome to the Stu Bu Meeting Room!
This section is dedicated to news about FSHS clubs and organizations:
Ms. Setina invites students who are interested in joining FCCLA to meet in her room tomorrow during Morning Tiger Time, after you check in with your Tiger Time teacher, please. Ms. Setina’s room is #305 in the Science Wing.
The Improv Acting Troupe will meet after school on Tuesdays from 3:30-4:30 in the Auditorium. Improv is open to anyone who wants to have fun and try out improvised comedy. The FIRST meeting is tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 in Mr. Bergmann's room, #105.
The first Student Council meeting for this school year is this Wednesday during Morning Tiger Time for current and new members. Clear your absence with your Tiger Time teacher before attending. If you can't make the meeting, please see Ms. Lewis in room 120 or Jersee Wood.
Global Culture & Diversity meets next Tuesday, September 5th during afternoon Tiger Time in room #107. This club celebrates the richness of the world's cultures and provides an opportunity to deepen understanding of the value of cultural diversity. Anyone may join. Dues are $3.
Ms. Setina! Jesse Dinneen! Natalie Miles! Noah Miles!
Check out the new closed-circuit televisions in FSHS hallways and Commons area to keep updated with everything Fort Scott High School!