white after Labor Day

Tiger Meetings Today:

During Afternoon Tiger Time today, Global Culture & Diversity will meet in 

Ms. Mayberry’s room, #107, and Thespians will meet in Ms. Bin’s room, #402.


Improv practice starts at 3:30 this afternoon in the auditorium.   Team members may go to the Thespian Google Classroom to vote on the team name.

Tiger Sports Today:

In the Fort!

     1 p.m.:  Lady Tiger Golf @ Woodland Hills Golf Course!

4:30 p.m.:  Tiger Soccer hosts Chanute!

     6 p.m.:  JV Tiger Football hosts Paola!


3 p.m.:  JV Lady Tiger Tennis @ LCHS Invitational in Parsons 

5 p.m.:  V/JV/Fr Lady Tiger Volleyball @ Nevada

 From Principal Kimble:

Your school-supplied laptop case is required to be on your school-supplied laptop at all times.  Failure to keep your laptop in its case will result in appropriate consequences.  Thank you for your cooperation. 

Let your first hour teacher know if you’re eating at school today!

Breakfast today:  muffin & colby-jack cheese stick OR cereal & graham snack, applesauce cup OR fresh fruit, juice, milk    

Lunch todayCHOOSE ONE Mr. Ribb OR pizza OR hamburger, baked beans, scalloped potatoes, pineapple tidbits, cookie, milk, salad bar 

Each student gets one free breakfast and one free lunch.  

Extra meals:  $2.65 for an additional breakfast, $4.70 for an additional lunch

Show your Tiger Pride by throwing away your lunch trash, please!  Let’s keep our school grounds clean and lunch open!