Beautiful Day

Tiger Meetings Today:

History club will have its first meeting during Afternoon Tiger Time today in Mrs. Jackman’s room, #117.  Check in with your Tiger Time teacher first, please! 

Tiger Sports Today:

In the Fort!

4 p.m.:  Tiger Cross Country Home Invitational!

5 p.m.:  Tiger Freshmen Football hosts Paola!


3 p.m.:  V Lady Tiger Tennis @ Indy 

4:30 p.m.:  Tiger Soccer

@ Pitt

5 p.m.:  Tiger Volleyball @ Baxter Springs

Sophomores!  Today is the deadline to order your class ring and/or letter jacket with your class.  The Jostens rep will be in the Commons 5th Hour.  

From Principal Kimble:

Starting today, if you do not have your school-supplied case on your school-supplied laptop, you will receive detention.  Thank you for your cooperation. 

Join the FSHS Thespians for a 

Spring Break trip to New York City and Broadway! 

See Ms. Bin as soon as possible for more information and registration materials.

Let your first hour teacher know if you’re eating at school today!

Breakfast today:  breakfast burrito with salsa OR cereal & graham snack, applesauce cup OR fresh fruit, juice, milk    

Lunch todayCHOOSE ONEwalking taco with Doritos or Fritos OR pizza OR hamburger, lettuce & tomato, tater tots, peaches, milk, salad bar 

Each student gets one free breakfast and one free lunch.  

Extra meals:  $2.65 for an additional breakfast, $4.70 for an additional lunch

           Macey Conner