Never Forget.

Tiger Meetings Today:

NSDA & FCCLA meet today. NSDA meets during Tiger Time in Mr. Slinkard’s room, #100.  FCCLA meets during Tiger Time in Ms. Setina’s room, #305.  

Check in with your Tiger Time teacher first, please! 

Tiger Sports Today:

In the Fort!

     1 p.m.:  JV Lady Tiger Tennis Home Invitational!

4:30 p.m.:  Tiger Soccer hosts Ottawa!


6 p.m.:  JV Tiger Football @ Columbus

Please let your first hour teacher know if you’d like breakfast and/or lunch.

Breakfast today:  poptart & graham snack OR cereal & graham snack, raisins OR applesauce cup OR fresh fruit, juice, milk    

Lunch todayCHOOSE ONEchicken nuggets with a breadstick OR  pepperoni pizza OR hamburger, french fries, baby carrots, pineapple tidbits, milk, salad bar 

Each student gets one free breakfast and one free lunch.  

Extra meals:  $2.65 for an additional breakfast, $4.70 for an additional lunch

Hedgehog Ink presents a Writers Seminar October 21st 8:45-12:30. Topics include doing the research, more than poetry, staying the course, and the ins and outs of publishing. Students are FREE, and teachers with students are free. Register at See the poster outside of Ms. Mayberry's room for more info.


Join the FSHS Thespians for a Spring Break trip to New York City and Broadway!  See Ms. Bin as soon as possible for more information and registration materials.


Destination:  EUROPE!

Ten days, five countries, one life-changing trip!  Travel through the Iron Curtain and World War II to Gothic cathedrals and ancient cities:  Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Krakow Auschwitz, Birkenau, Slovakia, Budapest. 

All students in good standing are invited to travel. 

To learn more about this trip, attend the informational meeting this Thursday during Morning Tiger Time in Ms. Mayberry's room #107.