“Tiger Time” Meetings Today:
Please check in with your Tiger Time teacher before traveling anywhere!
FFA meets in the auditorium during AM Tiger Time.
NHS meets in the auditorium during PM Tiger Time.
Tiger Sports Today:
3 p.m.: V Lady Tiger Golf @ Parsons
Please let your first hour teacher know if you’d like breakfast and/or lunch.
Breakfast today: waffles & sausage patty OR cereal & graham snack, applesauce cup OR fresh fruit, juice, milk
Lunch today: CHOOSE ONE: cheeseburger OR hamburger OR pepperoni pizza, lettuce & tomato, tater tots, peaches, milk, salad bar
Each student gets one free breakfast and one free lunch.
Extra meals: $2.65 for an additional breakfast, $4.70 for an additional lunch
Student Council applications and dues are due next Wednesday, September 20th. See Jersee Wood or Ms. Lewis if you have any questions.
ATTENTION, SENIORS: please check your school email for the form to choose candidates for 2023 Homecoming. The form needs to be filled out and returned by 3:15 tomorrow afternoon.
Dental forms need to be turned in by Friday, which is also the last day
to opt OUT of screening.
Join the FSHS Thespians for a Spring Break trip to New York City and Broadway! See Ms. Bin as soon as possible for more information and registration materials.
spring break, 2025!
Destination: EUROPE!
Ten days, five countries, one life-changing trip! Travel through the Iron Curtain and World War II to Gothic cathedrals and ancient cities: Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Krakow Auschwitz, Birkenau, Slovakia, Budapest.
All students in good standing are invited to travel.
To learn more about this trip, attend the informational meeting this Thursday during Morning Tiger Time in Ms. Mayberry's room #107.
Sean Wheeler!
Chandler Bybee!
Join the “Girls Who Code” club at the Fort Scott Library.
Here's a link for more information: https://fortscott.mykansaslibr...
Hedgehog Ink presents a writers’ seminar on Saturday morning, October 21st, from 8:45 a.m. until 12:30 that afternoon. Topics include “Doing the Research,” “More than Poetry,” “Staying the Course” and “The Ins and Outs of Publishing.” Students can attend for FREE and teachers who attend with students can also attend for free.
Register at hedgesbookstore@gmail.com
See the poster outside of Ms. Mayberry's room for more info.