Tiger Football is hosting Indy!
Kickoff is at 7 o'clock tonight!
The Student Section is on the north side of the stadium.
The theme for tonight’s game is “SECURITY.” Show up and show out for Tiger Football, Dance, Cheer and Band!
More Game Info for Tiger Students!
You must have your activity card for free admission or pay $4 at the gate. Enter the North gate on the West side of the stadium. You are expected to be in the stands and watching the game. You will not be allowed to congregate by the concession area.
You are NOT allowed to sit in the middle school section and if you leave during the game, you will NOT be allowed to re-enter.
“Tiger Time” Meetings Today:
Afternoon Tiger Time: Art Club meets with Mr. Griffetts in room #210; Physics Club meets with Mr. Spore in room #302; Pride Club meets with Ms. Bin in room #402. Please remember to check in with your Tiger Time teacher before traveling anywhere!
Tiger Activities/Sports Today & Tomorrow:
5th Hour: Sgt. Hernandez will be available in the Commons during both lunch periods
7 p.m.: Tiger Football hosts Independence
Debate @ Washburn Rural, today and tomorrow
Saturday: JV Lady Tiger Volleyball hosts Home Tournament
V Lady Tiger Volleyball @ Erie Tournament
Please let your first hour teacher know if you’d like breakfast and/or lunch.
Breakfast today: biscuit & gravy OR cereal & graham snack, applesauce cup OR fresh fruit, juice, milk
Lunch today: CHOOSE ONE: Southern-breaded chicken sandwich OR hamburger OR cheese pizza, lettuce salad, sweet peas, strawberries, milk, salad bar
Each student gets one free breakfast and one free lunch.
Extra meals: $2.65 for an additional breakfast, $4.70 for an additional lunch
Marcus Page is the FSCC Director of Admissions. He will be here Tuesday during Morning Tiger Time to meet with students. He will also be available in the Commons during both lunches. Additionally, FSCC will be in the building during Parent/Teacher Conferences Monday, September 25th, and Wednesday, September 27th.
Student Council applications and dues need to be submitted by Wednesday, September 20th. See Jersee Wood or Ms. Lewis if you have any questions.
Dental forms need to be turned in by 3:15 today. This is also the last day
to opt OUT of screening.
Join the FSHS Thespians for a Spring Break trip to New York City and Broadway! See Ms. Bin as soon as possible for more information and registration materials.
Cody Geiger! Jocelyn Anderson!
Tomorrow: Sean Herring!
Crimson yearbook staff needs to know if you have a preferred name to use in the yearbook captions/articles. If so, complete this form: 2024 Yearbook Preferred Name
Buy your 2024 Crimson Yearbook for $50 by November 28th before prices increase FSHS 2024 Yearbook Purchase
- Please fill out this form for your activities to be published next to your senior portrait in the yearbook: Senior Activities in Yearbook
- Senior Portraits are due by November 26th (or email us the date you will be able to submit - we cannot guarantee portraits will be placed if not received by December). Please have your photographer email them to fshsyearbook@usd234.org Portraits must be vertical head shot with any background but with no props/objects. Email with any questions.
- Senior Tributes in the yearbook can be purchased online at FSHS Yearbook Senior Salute Just click on "Get Started" at the bottom of page to order a Senior Ad. Deadline is December 8th or until available space is filled.
Hedgehog Ink presents a writers’ seminar on Saturday morning, October 21st, from 8:45 a.m. until 12:30 that afternoon. Topics include “Doing the Research,” “More than Poetry,” “Staying the Course” and “The Ins and Outs of Publishing.” Students can attend for FREE and teachers who attend with students can also attend for free.
Register at hedgesbookstore@gmail.com
See the poster outside of Ms. Mayberry's room for more info.
Join the “Girls Who Code” club at the Fort Scott Library.
Here's a link for more information: https://fortscott.mykansaslibr...