Happy Red Ribbon Week!
This year’s theme: “Be Kind To Your Mind. Live Drug Free.”
Staying drug free means investing in your current and future health.
You don’t have to use drugs to belong.
Celebrate your uniqueness and show it to the world!
Tiger Activities/Sports Today:
All Day: JAG, Leadership Conference in Parsons
AM Tiger Time: Student Council, meeting in the auditorium
9:15 a.m.: AP Social Studies, field trip
TODAY is the first day for Girls’ Winter Sports Conditioning. It starts after school at 3:30 p.m. in the main gym. Any high school girls who plan on playing basketball are encouraged to attend.
Please let your first hour teacher know what you’d like for breakfast and/or lunch.
Breakfast today: waffles & sausage patty OR cereal & graham snack, applesauce cup OR fresh fruit, juice, milk
Lunch today: CHOOSE ONE: grilled chicken sandwich OR pepperoni pizza OR hamburger, lettuce & tomato, tater tots, peaches, milk, salad bar
Attention, Freshmen! If you’d like to take the Pre-ACT (free), the sign-up deadline is Monday, October 30th. The test will be administered on Thursday, November 2nd. Sign up in the counseling office. See Mr. Messer with any questions.
Emilly Moore!
FSHS Juniors are selling candy bars to raise money for prom! Juniors, please pick up boxes of bars from Ms. Lewis's room, #120. You must sign out the boxes individually. Boxes may be picked up before school, during lunch or after school. There are 60 candy bars ($1.00 each) per box and you must sell two boxes to attend prom for free. If you choose not to sell, the cost to attend prom is $50.00, if paid by Friday, December 1st. The cost then increases to $75, if paid by Friday, February 2nd. After that date, the cost to attend prom is $100.
Reminder of the FSHS Tardy Policy: Students may accumulate up to 12 tardies in one semester in all classes combined. On the 13th tardy, the student will serve a half hour detention. Students with 14-15 tardies in one semester will earn one hour of detention. When students reach 16 tardies in one semester, they will serve one day of ISS (In School Suspension). If you get another tardy, you will serve another day of ISS. For each additional tardy, you will serve an additional day of ISS. Please get to class on time. Thank you.
Applications are now being accepted for next year’s Hugh O'Brian Youth (HOBY) Leadership Conference on the KSU campus May 30th through June 2nd. Please check your email and contact Mr. Messer in the Counseling Office for more information or to pick up an application.
Deadline to apply: 11/10/2023
The Fort Scott Recreation Commission is sponsoring the “Spooky Scurry 5K Run/Walk” this Saturday, October 28th, 9 a.m. The 5K will begin at Frary Field at FSHS. Participants are encouraged to wear Halloween costumes and the three best costumes will win a prize.
Fill out the attached form and return it to Buck Run Community Center to register: SPOOKY SCURRY ENTRY FORM
All proceeds from the 5K will go to FSHS student Piper Weeks and her family to help with costs from her battle with cancer!
Jostens will return to FSHS the morning of Tuesday, November 14th.
If you’ve received photos in the mail, bring them with you.
Crimson yearbook staff needs to know if you have a preferred name to use in the yearbook captions/articles. If so, complete this form:
Buy your 2024 Crimson Yearbook for $50 by November 28th before prices increase: FSHS 2024 Yearbook Purchase
- Please fill out this form for your activities to be published next to your senior portrait in the yearbook: Senior Activities in Yearbook
- Senior Portraits are due by November 26th (or email us the date you will be able to submit - we cannot guarantee portraits will be placed if not received by December).
Please have your photographer email them to fshsyearbook@usd234.org Portraits must be vertical head shot with any background but with no props/objects. Email with any questions.
- Senior Tributes in the yearbook can be purchased online at FSHS Yearbook Senior Salute Just click on "Get Started" at the bottom of page to order a Senior Ad. Deadline is December 8th or until available space is filled.