Photo retake/make up day

Retakes are for any student who needs to have a retake or did not have his/her photo taken when Jostens was here earlier in the school year.  Please listen for an announcement before reporting to the auditorium this morning and thank  you so much!

Tiger Activities Today:   

Morning Tiger Time:  Missouri Western Rep, auditorium  

Tiger Scholars’ Bowl is hosting a JV tournament beginning at 4 this afternoon.

Math Club is competing @ Washburn Math Day

Congratulations to the Student and Teacher/Staff Member of the Week honorees for this week!  

They were selected by Ed Rising. 

Students:  Seniors Savanna Cunningham and Jersee Wood! 

Teacher:  Mr. Casner!  Staff Member:  Mrs. Kegler!

The kitchen has snacks for sale:  pretzels; Sun Chips; Rice Krispie Treats, 75 cents each!  You can purchase these snacks AFTER the line is finished at breakfasts and lunches.

Please let your first hour teacher know what you’d like for breakfast and/or lunch.

Breakfast todaybreakfast pizza OR cereal & graham snack, applesauce cup OR fresh fruit, juice, milk    

Lunch todayCHOOSE ONE:   fiestada pizza OR pepperoni pizza OR hamburger, corn, refried beans, fresh broccoli, whole fruit icee, milk, salad bar 

Seniors!  If you are interested in going on a group visit to Pitt State on Thursday, November 29th, sign up with Mr. Messer or Mrs. Martin in the office today.

Angel Farr!  Kyla Korinek!

Olivia Leighty!  Kenna Miles!

Crimson yearbook staff needs to know if you have a preferred name to use in the yearbook captions/articles. If so, complete this form: 

2024 Yearbook Preferred Name

Buy your 2024 Crimson Yearbook for $50 by November 28th before prices increase:  FSHS 2024 Yearbook Purchase


- Please fill out this form for your activities to be published next to your senior portrait in the yearbook: Senior Activities in Yearbook

- Senior Portraits are due by November 26th (or email us the date you will be able to submit - we cannot guarantee portraits will be placed if not received by December). 

Please have your photographer email them to Portraits must be vertical head shot with any background but with no props/objects. Email with any questions.

- Senior Tributes in the yearbook can be purchased online at FSHS Yearbook Senior Salute  Just click on "Get Started" at the bottom of page to order a Senior Ad. Deadline is December 8th or until available space is filled.