Tiger Activities & Sports:
PM Tiger Time Meetings: Key Club, commons; S.A.F.E., SRO Davidson's office in Ag Hall
Tiger Boys Wrestling, SEK Tournament @ LCHS
Improv Acting Troupe will resume rehearsals on Feb. 25 after school on Tuesdays from 3:30-5.
Breakfast today: donut OR cereal, fruit, juice, milk
Lunch today: mac & cheese, li’l smokies, wheat roll OR hamburger OR pizza OR pb & j, cherry tomatoes, sweet peas, apple slices, milk, salad/veggie bar
Send your crush a Valentine for just $3! During breakfast and lunch periods, you can purchase a Crush can of pop, ring pop and Valentine message from Thespians to send to your friends.
Canned Food Drive Underway Now!
FCCLA is hosting a canned food drive until Thursday, February 20th. Please take your donations to room #305, Mrs. Knopp's room. FCCLA is providing a prize for the student who donates the most canned food items!
FSHS Thespians present: “And Then They Came for Me: Remembering the World of Anne Frank.” Performances are at 7 p.m. on Feb. 20th, 21st and 22nd in the FSHS Auditorium. Tickets are $5 for students and $7 for adults, available at fortscotthighschool.ludus.com or at the door.
Doors open thirty minutes prior to showtime.
Addi Metcalf! Tyrus Lee!
Yesterday: Chris Belcher, Colby Fleeman and Tim Brown!
You are required to pay $30 to attend prom this year! Please turn your money into Mrs. Knopp by March 1st. See her if you have any questions!
Want money for college? Click here for scholarship info: