Need Another Snow Day!

Tiger Activities & Sports:

PM Tiger Time Meetings: Key Club, commons; S.A.F.E., SRO Davidson's office in Ag Hall

Tiger Boys Wrestling, SEK Tournament @ LCHS

Improv Acting Troupe will resume rehearsals on Feb. 25 after school on Tuesdays from 3:30-5. 

Breakfast today: donut OR cereal, fruit, juice, milk    

Lunch today: mac & cheese, li’l smokies, wheat roll OR hamburger OR pizza OR pb & j, cherry tomatoes, sweet peas, apple slices, milk, salad/veggie bar

Send your crush a Valentine for just $3! During breakfast and lunch periods, you can purchase a Crush can of pop, ring pop and Valentine message from Thespians to send to your friends.

Canned Food Drive Underway Now!

FCCLA is hosting a canned food drive until Thursday, February 20th. Please take your donations to room #305, Mrs. Knopp's room. FCCLA is providing a prize for the student who donates the most canned food items!

FSHS Thespians present:  “And Then They Came for Me: Remembering the World of Anne Frank.”  Performances are at 7 p.m. on Feb. 20th, 21st and 22nd in the FSHS Auditorium.  Tickets are $5 for students and $7 for adults, available at or at the door. 

Doors open thirty minutes prior to showtime.

Addi Metcalf! Tyrus Lee!

Yesterday: Chris Belcher, Colby Fleeman and Tim Brown!


  1.  You are required to pay $30 to attend prom this year! Please turn your money into Mrs. Knopp by March 1st. See her if you have any questions!

  2.  Want money for college?  Click here for scholarship info: