Message from Principal Kimble: Students who have not paid the $25 technology fee by the end of 7th hour Friday will not be allowed to take the school-issued laptop out of the building.
FSHS dismisses at two o’clock this afternoon!
FSHS Auditions for “The Addams Family: School Edition” are next week on Monday OR Tuesday (but not Wednesday) from 6:30 - 9 p.m. in the FSHS Auditorium.
Students only need to attend one night of auditions. Those auditioning for a leading role will need to prepare a short solo from the show.
Packets are available in Ms. Bin's classroom.
Rehearsals will be Monday through Thursday from 6:30 until 9 p.m.
Performances are scheduled November 8th, 10th and 12th.
Click on this link to join the Tiger Esports team:
Tiger Esports Registration Form
There will be a team meeting and parent meeting one week from tonight, next Wednesday, August 31st, at seven o’clock in the FSHS Commons. If you have any questions, please reach out to Coach Glades or Mr. Ruddick. Go Tigers!
Breakfast today: sausage on English muffin, applesauce cup or fresh fruit, juice, milk
Lunch today: hamburger, lettuce & tomato, tater tots, peaches, milk
Club News!
Hello Tigers! If you're interested in participating in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes organization, please fill out the following Google Form FCA Sign-Up Link. This organization is all about food, fun and fellowship. We meet at various locations around Fort Scott and have guest speakers. You don't have to be an athlete or Christian to join and more details will be shared at a later date. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Coach Glades, Mrs. Michaud, or Mrs. Madeline Martin. Thank you and GO TIGERS!
International Travel!
If you are interested in traveling to Italy and Greece during Spring break and would like to learn more about the trip, please attend the meeting during second AP on Tuesday, August 30th, in Ms. Mayberry’s room, #107.
Pride Quote:
The door of opportunity will open only when you decide to step outside the door of your comfort zone.
- Kylie Francis
Kynlee Hampton!
Upcoming Tiger Events:
Tiger Soccer: Red/White Scrimmage, 6 p.m. @ Ellis Park!
V Lady Tiger Tennis @ Parsons, 3 p.m.
JV Golf vs Uniontown @ Woodland Hills in the Fort, 3 p.m.
Lady Tiger Volleyball: Red/White Scrimmage, 4 p.m., Main Gym!
Tiger Football Jamboree vs. Ottawa, Louisburg, 7 p.m., Frary Field!