Tiger Activities/Sports Today:
It’s Tiger Soccer Postseason Action and Improv Tuesday!
Tigers vs Stags @ Bishop MIege, 6:30 p.m.
Improv t-shirts will be ordered during today’s meeting which starts at 3:30 in the auditorium.
For those Seniors who signed up for it, the representative from
K-State will meet with you in the Auditorium today during Morning AP.
For Freshmen boys interested in Tiger Basketball, there will be a 10-minute meeting with Coach Krull at 3:30 this afternoon in the SSC.
Powerlifting meeting in the weight room during Afternoon AP this Thursday!
Please let your first hour teacher know if you’re eating at school today.
Breakfast today: breakfast pizza, applesauce OR fresh fruit, juice, milk
Lunch today: chili with crackers, baby baker potatoes, orange wedges, cinnamon roll, milk AND salad bar!
Lady Tiger Volleyball Players: please, if you haven’t already, turn in your volleyball uniforms to Coach Kegler today. She’ll be collecting them after school today by the girls’ locker room. Thank you for showing up and showing out this season!
If you see this when a USD 234 school bus is stopped in the high school bus lane, you need to STOP! Your vehicle is being recorded by the bus camera and the fine in Kansas for running a bus stop sign is $250. Make sure you stop so you don’t get a ticket! Speaking of buses, sign up in the office for the Pep Bus for Friday’s Tiger Football game in Atchison!
Students traveling to Italy and Greece: there will be an important travel meeting this Sunday, October 30th at 3:30 in Ms. Mayberry's room. Please be there. Enter through the southeast doors. The deadline to enroll on this trip is November 21st!
If you are interested in being a member of the Tiger Boys Swim team this winter, please reach out to Mrs. (Maddie) McCoy-Martin in the FSHS office. You can also email: madeline.mccoy@usd234.org Practices start Monday, November 14th!
Jesse Cox!
Chloe Barlett! Emilly Moore!
Juniors! Candy bar money (for two boxes) is due December 2nd or you can pay. That’s $50 before December 15th, $75 before February 1st, $100 after that date.
Cupboards bare? There is no reason for food insecurity when the FSHS Food Pantry is overflowing! FSHS has also received a significant donation of toothbrushes and toothpaste.
Visit with Nurse Reynolds either in person or email her:
Pride Quote:
“Home is where the dog runs to meet you.”
– Anonymous
Wichita State University Rep Visit: Thursday, November 10th
Here’s the sign-up form: https://forms.gle/wRk4L8qT5jL7...
Emporia State University Rep Visit: Thursday, November 17th
Here’s the sign-up form: https://forms.gle/emDaeLPNqQDt...
Crowder College Rep Visit: Tuesday, November 29th
Here’s the sign-up form: https://forms.gle/LJo1Gtm53Kck...
Crimson yearbook staff needs to know if you have a preferred name to use in the yearbook captions/articles.
If so, complete this form: 2023 Yearbook Preferred Name
Your 2023 Crimson Yearbook is only $50 IF ordered by November 28th:
- Please check your email for the link to add your Senior quote to the yearbook.
- Please fill out this form for your activities to be published next to your senior portrait in the yearbook: Senior Activities in Yearbook
- Senior Portraits are due by November 28th (or email us the date you will be able to submit). Please have your photographer email them to fshsyearbook@usd234.org
Portraits must be vertical with any background but with no props/objects.
Email with any questions: fshsyearbook@usd234.org
- Senior Tributes in the yearbook can be purchased online:
Just click on "Get Started" at the bottom of the page to order a Senior Ad.
Deadline is December 9th or until available space is filled.
Reminder of the FSHS Tardy Policy: Students may accumulate up to 12 tardies in one semester in all classes combined. On the 13th tardy, the student will serve a half hour detention. Students with 14-15 tardies in one semester will earn one hour of detention. When students reach 16 tardies in one semester, they will serve one day of ISS (In School Suspension). If you get another tardy, you will serve another day of ISS. For each additional tardy, you will serve an additional day of ISS. Please get to class on time. Thank you.