Tiger Activities/Sports Today:
Student Council meets in the Auditorium during Morning AP. AP teachers, please wait for the announcement before dismissing your StuCo members.
State Thespian Festival @ Wichita starts today!
Tiger Boys Swimming @ Emporia, 4 p.m.
V/JV/G Tiger Wrestling @ Anderson County, 5 p.m.
Students who want a schedule change need to fill out an orange form which can be picked up from the desk of Mrs. DeLaTorre. The forms need to be turned in by the end of the day TODAY.
If you're interested in Tiger Esports for the spring semester, there will be a team meeting after school tomorrow in Coach Glades' classroom. See him for more details. Go Tigers!
Please let your first hour teacher know if you’re eating at school today.
Breakfast today: donut, applesauce cup OR fresh fruit, juice, milk
Lunch today: mac & cheese, little smokies, sweet peas, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, pears, wheat roll, milk AND salad bar!
The smoothie bar will be open Wednesday and Friday from 7 to 7:30. We have added to our menu iced caramel lattes! Come and get your drink fix!
Auditions for the horror/suspense play "Trap" by Stephen Gregg are Monday OR Tuesday in the auditorium, 6:30 until 9 o’clock each night. Bring a monologue anywhere from one to three minutes in length with which to audition and plan to stay for the entire audition time.
Performances are February 16th through 18th.
Questions? See Ms. Bin in room #401.
Pride Quote:
“There is simply the rose: it is perfect in every moment of its existence.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
Donovan Sauls!
Kansas Contractors Association Scholarship
Eligible students need to attend a Kansas-based tech school, community college or university and pursue a program in the construction field. Apply through this link:
Deadline: January 31, 2023
Applications for the Strader Family Scholarship are due by Wednesday,
February 1, 2023. Application is online only via this link which is also in the Senior Google classroom:
East Tennessee Foundation Scholarships
Kansas Masonic Foundation: $1,000 general scholarship to attend a Kansas 4-year public college and must already be accepted to one of the universities. Apply through this link:
Deadline: March 15, 2023
Peterson Scholarship Applications are due April 15, 2023, no exceptions. Completed applications and all required paperwork must be turned in to Rhonda Dawson at FSHS or emailed to rhonda.dawson@usd234.org by the deadline. Applications can be picked up at Fort Scott High School, on our website, usd234.org, go to Fort Scott High School page, Menu, Documents, Scholarship Applications, Peterson Scholarship, OR this link:
Peterson Scholarship Applications