Tiger Tuesday!

Second Semester Reminders for Students:

 1) Hats are not allowed in school.  They should be left in your vehicle or put in your backpack or in your locker.  You should not be carrying a hat in school. Teachers/admin will be taking the hats.

 2) At 7:45 on school mornings, you should be in your classroom and not standing in the hallway.  Reminder, after 12 tardies, detention time/ISS begins. Once you have 14-15 tardies in one semester, you earn one hour of detention. When you reach 16 tardies in one semester, you earn one day of ISS.  For every additional tardy, you will serve a day of ISS.  

Please get to class on time.

 3) Please speak nicely to everyone in the school.  Failure to be kind and do what is asked of you can result in disciplinary actions.  Thank you!


Tiger Activities/Sports Today:

Varsity Scholars’ Bowl @ Paola, 4 p.m.

 Tiger Basketball in the Fort vs Pitt!  Student Section Dress Theme:  RED OUT!

Games start at 4:30 in both gyms. 

Main Gym:  JV Girls, Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys

Aux Gym:  JV Boys, C Boys

 Tiger Boys Swimming @ Turner, 4 p.m.

 Tiger Improv practice is from 3:30 until 4:30 this afternoon and auditions for 

“Trap” (horror/suspense play begin at 6:30 this evening.

Both activities are in the FSHS Auditorium  


Clubs meeting during Morning AP:

FCCLA; History; NSDA

AP Teachers:  please wait for the announcement before dismissing club members.  Thank you!

                                                                                                   Please let your first hour teacher know if you’re eating at school today.

Breakfast todayzucchini bread, applesauce cup OR fresh fruit, juice, milk

Lunch todayMr. Ribb, baked beans, scalloped potatoes, apple, cookie, milk 

AND salad bar!

Clubs meeting during Morning AP Thursday:  FBLA, FFA, GC Diversity*, Physics

*Global Culture & Diversity club members will take a virtual trip to Croatia!

The Smoothie Bar is open from 7 a.m. until 7:30 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays.  Iced caramel lattes have been added to the menu.  Come and get your drink fix!

Attention, Seniors!  You were sent via school email a Candidate Selection form for Winter Homecoming candidates with criteria.  

Please complete and submit by 3:15 TOMORROW

If you were unable to attend the Tiger Esports meeting on Friday, there's still time to join. Please fill this form out, due tomorrow

Tiger Esports Application, Spring Semester

See Coach Glades for more details.

Eat dinner at Wendy’s THIS Thursday night!

Save the Date!

Italy & Greece travel meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 22, 2 p.m. in the Commons to discuss the itinerary, optional excursions and packing tips.  You may use the west entrance.  If you cannot attend, please check in with Mrs. Harper or Ms. Mayberry.  

Jack Warner!


Pride Quote:  

“The most effective way to do it, is to do it.”    

                                       –  Amelia Earhart


Kansas Contractors Association Scholarship:

Eligible students need to attend a Kansas-based tech school, community college or university and pursue a program in the construction field.  Apply through this link:


Deadline:  January 31, 2023  

Applications for the Strader Family Scholarship are due by Wednesday, 

February 1, 2023.  Application is online only via this link which is also in the Senior Google classroom:  

East Tennessee Foundation Scholarships

Kansas Masonic Foundation:  $1,000 general scholarship to attend a Kansas 4-year public college and must already be accepted to one of the universities.  Apply through this link:


Deadline:  March 15, 2023

Peterson Scholarship Applications are due April 15, 2023, no exceptions.  

Completed applications and all required paperwork must be turned in to Rhonda Dawson at FSHS or emailed to rhonda.dawson@usd234.org by the deadline.   Applications can be picked up at Fort Scott High School, on our website, usd234.org, go to Fort Scott High School page, Menu, Documents, Scholarship Applications, Peterson Scholarship, OR this link:

Peterson Scholarship Applications