Tiger Sports Today:
In the Fort: V/JV Tiger & Lady Tiger Wrestling, Senior Night!
Home Dual vs Frontenac, 6 p.m.
Tiger Boys Swimming @ Bonner Springs, 4 p.m.
Clubs meeting during Morning AP: NAHS; NSDA
The History Club meeting will be rescheduled. FCCLA meeting is canceled.
AP Teachers: please wait for the announcement before dismissing club members.
Please let your first hour teacher know if you’re eating at school today.
Breakfast today: breakfast burrito, applesauce cup or fresh fruit, juice, milk
Lunch today: Mr. Ribb, baked beans, scalloped potatoes, apple, cookie, milk and salad bar
The Class of 2023 is hosting an FSMS Dance to raise money for the SOS party!
Seniors, please bring in your donations of Little Debbie snack cakes and 12-packs of pop THIS WEEK. You can drop those donations off in the FSHS office.
Winter Homecoming photos are ready for pickup in the office!
The FSHS Class of 2024 is again selling Oreo truffles and there are order forms in the office in front of Pam’s desk! Despite inflation, these delectable delights are still just $10/dozen and $5/half dozen. This is the last week to order!
Cadence Hull!
From Mr. Dunkeson, Communities In Schools:
Show your school spirit by Showing Up! It’s the 2nd Annual Attendance Challenge vs Pitt! Attendance is tracked daily. From now until February 10th, we will compare daily attendance with Pitt and see which school has more students Showing Up and that school earns the crown! The winner will be announced during halftime of the varsity boys game @ Pitt on February 17th.
So, SHOW UP! Let’s slay the purple dragons!
The Smoothie Bar is open from 7 a.m. until 7:30 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays. Iced caramel lattes have been added to the menu. Come and get your drink fix!
Upcoming Visitors:
Independence Community College Rep Visit:
Tuesday, February 21st, during 5th hour at both first and second lunches
USAF (United States Air Force) Recruiter Visit:
Thursday, February 23rd, during 5th hour at both first and second lunches
Washburn University Rep Visit:
Tuesday, March 7th, during 5th hour at both first and second lunches
Kansas Contractors Association Scholarship:
Eligible students need to attend a Kansas-based tech school, community college or university and pursue a program in the construction field. Apply through this link:
Kansas Kiwanis Foundation Scholarship:
Apply through this link:
Deadline: TOMORROW!
Applications for the Strader Family Scholarship are due TOMORROW! Application is online only via this link which is also in the Senior Google classroom:
East Tennessee Foundation Scholarships
Kansas Masonic Foundation: $1,000 general scholarship to attend a Kansas 4-year public college and must already be accepted to one of the universities. Apply through this link:
Deadline: March 15, 2023
Peterson Scholarship Applications are due April 15, 2023, no exceptions. Applications can be picked up at Fort Scott High School, on our website, usd234.org, go to Fort Scott High School page, Menu, Documents, Scholarship Applications, Peterson Scholarship, OR this link: