Tiger Activities/Sports Today:
USMC rep, FSHS Commons, 5th hour lunches
Journalism/Yearbook Workshop, Lawrence, all day
Tiger Esports, Chess, 8 p.m.
Reminder: History Club will meet in Mrs. Jackman’s room during Afternoon AP tomorrow.
Please let your first hour teacher know if you’re eating at school today.
Breakfast today: peanut butter and jelly uncrustable, applesauce OR fresh fruit, juice, milk
Lunch today: chicken strips, mashed potatoes & gravy, green beans, orange wedges, wheat roll, salad bar, milk
It’s FFA Week! Ms. Cullison has events scheduled all week.
Any girls interested in being a part of Lady Tiger Swimming this Spring are asked to attend the meeting during Afternoon AP tomorrow in the Commons. Reach out to Coach (Madeline) Martin in the office with questions.
Two more days to send your crush a Valentine and support FSHS Thespians!
For just $3, a soda and a ring pop will be delivered to your Valentine. Order during mealtimes from the Thespian Table in the Commons.
Mrs. Fowler’s students have a podcast to share! New podcasts launch on
Mondays. Here’s the link for you: Episode 1 - The Mandela Effect
Dylan Forester! Addi Metcalf!
The Smoothie Bar is open from 7 a.m. until 7:30 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays. Mocha frappes have been added to this week’s menu. Come and get your drink fix!
FFA Blood Drive @ FSHS is Monday, February 27th, 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.
Must be 16 or provide parental permission. See Ms. Cullison.
Here’s the donor link (copy and paste in your browser):
The state-paid ACT date is Tuesday, February 28th. All Juniors will take the ACT in the aux gym that morning. Please plan accordingly and bring #2 pencils and your calculator. If you have any questions, stop in or email Mr. Messer in the Counseling office. If you do NOT plan to take the test, you need to stop in and see Mr. Messer BEFORE February 27th. This is a free test. If you take it any other time, it will cost $60.
Senior Section: (All things Class of 2023!)
FSHS Graduation: Saturday, May 13, 2023 :
Custom Stole and Tassel (Use this link if you are not ordering a cap and gown and plan to wear a cap and gown from a previous graduate.)
Upcoming Visitors:
USAF (United States Air Force) Recruiter Visit:
during 5th hour at both first and second lunches tomorrow
Independence Community College Rep Visit:
Tuesday, February 21st, during 5th hour at both first and second lunches
Washburn University Rep Visit:
Tuesday, March 7th, during 5th hour at both first and second lunches
Peterson Scholarship Applications are due April 15, 2023, no exceptions. Applications can be picked up at Fort Scott High School, on our website, usd234.org, go to Fort Scott High School page, Menu, Documents, Scholarship Applications, Peterson Scholarship, OR this link:
Peterson Scholarship Applications
Tiger Esports, Spring Schedule
Mondays: Chess, 8 p.m.
Tuesdays: Halo, 4 p.m.
Wednesdays: Valorant, 4 p.m.