November 13, 2023
This week the FSHS Ed Rising Club has selcted Senior Jersee Wood and Senior Savanna Cunningham as the FSHS Students of the Week for November 13th. Congratulations!

November 10, 2023
It’s (still) KSHSAA Fall Athletic Buffer Week!
(No one is allowed to be in the gyms or weight rooms before or after school.)
Additionally, if you are going to particip...

November 9, 2023
It’s KSHSAA Fall Athletic Buffer Week!
(No one is allowed to be in the gyms or weight rooms before or after school.)
Additionally, if you are going to participate in a...

November 8, 2023
It’s KSHSAA Fall Athletic Buffer Week!
(No one is allowed to be in the gyms or weight rooms before or after school.)
Additionally, if you are going to participate in a...

November 6, 2023
Congratulations to students in the FSHS Music Department that have received District Honor selections by the SEKMEA for Choir, Band, and Orchestra. They will participate in clini...

November 6, 2023
We are starting a new recognition program this year at Fort Scott High School. Each week a designated club will select two students of the week and two teacher/staff members of th...

November 6, 2023
We are starting a new recognition program this year at Fort Scott High School. Each week a designated club will select two students of the week and two teacher/staff members of th...

November 6, 2023
TODAY through Sunday is KSHSAA Fall Athletic Buffer Week!
No one is allowed to be in the gyms or weight rooms before or after school.
Additionally, if you are going t...

November 1, 2023
Tiger Activities/Sports Today:
Only one club meeting during PM Tiger Time: HOSA (room #303)
FFA @ National Convention in Indianapolis
3:30 p.m.: Tiger Boys’ ...

October 31, 2023
Tiger Activities/Sports Today:
PM Tiger Time: GC Diversity (room #107); *Math Club (room #112);

October 30, 2023
Tiger Activities/Sports Today:
Lunch: Army rep in FSHS Commons
PM Tiger Time: FCCLA (auditorium); NSDA (room #100) Meetings
4 p.m.: ...

October 27, 2023
If you would like to watch Tiger Football at St. Thomas Aquinas in Overland Park tonight, STA is allowing Tiger students to attend for FREE! All you need is your FSHS Student I...

October 26, 2023
On Wednesday, October 25th, the AP/DC Social Studies classes went on a field trip to the Truman Presidential Library and Museum. Here is what Mrs. Jackman had to say about the tr...

October 25, 2023
Happy Red Ribbon Week!
This year’s theme: “Be Kind To Your Mind. Live Drug Free.”
Staying drug free means investing in your current and future health.

October 24, 2023
Tiger Activities/Sports Today:
9 a.m.: CHC/SEK Dental Screenings
AM Tiger Time: Neosho County Community College rep visit, auditorium
7th Hour & PM Tiger Time:...

October 23, 2023
This Wednesday, October 25th, is the first day for Girls’ Winter Sports Conditioning. It starts after school at 3:30 p.m. in the main gym. Any high school girls who plan on pla...

October 19, 2023
Tiger Sports Today:
In the Fort!
4:30 p.m.: V Tiger Soccer hosts College Heights for the season's last Home match! Seniors will be recognized. No school for studen...

October 18, 2023
Tiger Activities Today:
Morning Tiger Time: FFA meeting in the auditorium
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.: Blue Collar Career Fair, Seniors & (five) Sophomores
10 a.m. - ...

October 17, 2023
Tiger Sports Today:
State Golf @ Salina
4:30 p.m.: Tiger Soccer @ Paola
5 p.m.: Lady Tiger Volleyball @ Indy
Attention, Freshmen! If you’d ...