September 19, 2023
Today's meme honors the FSHS Physics Club!
Tiger Activities/Sports Today:
Marcus Page is the FSCC Director of Admissions and will be here during Morning Tiger Time to m...

September 18, 2023
Tiger Activities/Sports Today:
FFA Greenhand Conference in Girard
10 a.m.: V Lady Tiger Golf @ Chanute
3 p.m.: JV Lady Tiger Tennis @ Parsons Invita...

September 15, 2023
Tiger Football is hosting Indy!
Kickoff is at 7 o'clock tonight!
The Student Section is on the north side of the stadium.
The theme for tonight’s game is “SECURI...

September 14, 2023
Here’s the link
for what you must have to graduate
with your class in May:
jostens cap gown stole
Other items, like invitations and annou...

September 13, 2023
“Tiger Time” Meetings Today:
Please check in with your Tiger Time teacher before traveling anywhere!
FFA meets in the auditorium during AM Tiger Time.
NHS meets in...

September 12, 2023
“Tiger Time” Meetings Today:
Please check in with your Tiger Time teacher before traveling anywhere!
Sgt. Bean with the United States Army will be in the auditorium dur...

September 11, 2023
Tiger Meetings Today:
NSDA & FCCLA meet today. NSDA meets during Tiger Time in Mr. Slinkard’s room, #100. FCCLA meets during Tiger Time in Ms. Setina’s room, #305.

September 7, 2023
Tiger Meetings Today:
History club will have its first meeting during Afternoon Tiger Time today in Mrs. Jackman’s room, #117. Check in with your Tiger Time teacher first, ...

September 6, 2023
Students will have school pictures taken Monday, September 25th. Details forthcoming.

September 6, 2023
Tiger Meetings Today:
During Morning Tiger Time today, SkillsUSA will meet in the auditorium.
SkillsUSA is an organization that focuses on preparing students for work/c...

September 5, 2023
Tiger Meetings Today:
During Afternoon Tiger Time today, Global Culture & Diversity will meet in
Ms. Mayberry’s room, #107, and Thespians will meet in Ms. Bin’s room, ...

August 31, 2023
10 a.m.: Sophomores meet with Jostens about class rings.
10:30 a.m.: Seniors meet with Jostens about graduation merchandise.
There will be an announcement to dismiss....

August 30, 2023
From Principal Kimble:
Your school-supplied laptop case is required to be on your school-supplied laptop at all times. Failure to keep your laptop in its case will result...

August 29, 2023
FSHS is serving Taco Burgers for lunch tomorrow and Walking Tacos for lunch on Thursday, September 7th, featuring local beef! USD 234 Food Service Director Robin Button says...

August 29, 2023
Tiger Sports/Activities Today :
In the Fort!
5 p.m.: JV Lady Tiger Volleyball!
Morning Tiger Time : Interested in FCCLA? Check in with your TT teacher before ...

August 28, 2023
Tiger Sports/Activities Today :
In the Fort!
3 p.m.: JV Lady Tiger Tennis Invitational!
3 p.m.: JV Lady Tiger Golf @ Woodland Hills (hosted by Uniontown HS)

August 25, 2023
Due to excessive heat, the Football Jamboree scheduled for tonight in Louisburg has been canceled. The Tigers will open the 2023 season next Friday, September 1st, at Paola. AU...

August 24, 2023
Tiger Sports Today:
Lady Tiger Varsity Volleyball Jamboree!
5 p.m. @ Pittsburg High School
Attention, StuCo!
Student Council will hold its first meeting of t...

August 24, 2023
Congratulations to Fort Scott High School Senior Katelyn Dancer on being named a 2023 College Board National Recognition Program Awardee!
Katelyn earned this academic honor bec...